Experience our Local Cissna Park Charm

Legion Auxiliary Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Legion Auxiliary Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Hosted by the Cissna Park Legion Auxiliary Ladies is the Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

Separate Age Groups for the Egg Hunt are:

  • 2-3 year olds — South side of the park/tree area

  • 4-5 year olds — front East side of the park, across from the American Legion

  • 6-7 year olds — on the playground

  • 8-10 year olds — relay races and special hunt!

There will be one prize for each age group for finding the special egg!

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Spring Garage Sales
to May 3

Spring Garage Sales

Cissna Park's Spring Garage Sales will be on Thursday, May 1; Friday, May 2, and on Saturday morning, May 3.

If you would like to have a Garage Sale during this weekend & be listed on the CP Spring Garage Sale Map in the Cissna Park News Paper, please submit your name, address, garage sale times, description of items and fee to the Baier Newspaper Office — contact Sharon Baier (815-457-2245). The Baier Publishing Co. Office is located at 119 W Garfield Ave. They are open Monday-Friday till 5pm, closed over the lunch hour.

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Shop the Park: June

Shop the Park: June

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • June Musical Performers:

  • June Food Trucks:

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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Shop the Park: July

Shop the Park: July

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • July Musical Performers:

  • July Food Trucks:

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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Shop the Park: August

Shop the Park: August

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • August Musical Performers:

  • August Food Trucks:

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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Shop the Park: September

Shop the Park: September

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • September Musical Performers:

  • September Food Trucks:

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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Small Town Christmas
to Nov 30

Small Town Christmas

Experience the feel of Small Town Christmas here in Cissna Park -- you'll feel like you stepped into a Hallmark Christmas Movie! Join us for your Black Friday & Small Business Saturday shopping during our town-wide holiday open house! There's activities for everyone to enjoy, you won't want to miss it!

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Trick or Treat Hours

Trick or Treat Hours

The Village of Cissna Park Halloween Trick or Treat Hours are set for October 31st from 4pm-7pm.

As a reminder, please be cautious while driving around town or Kellart Lake that afternoon/evening and watch for young children crossing the roads.

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

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Pumpkins in the Park

Pumpkins in the Park

The Cissna Park FFA & Community is excited to host Pumpkins in the Park, a town favorite! Breakfast will be served start at 7am, with lunch followed at 11am. There will be kids carnival games, bounce houses, craft vendors, live music, pony rides, petting zoo, and car & motorcycle show. Mark your calendar to come out for a day of fun and picking your pumpkins for Fall!

Pumpkin Breakfast at the Cissna Park American Legion 7am-9:30am

  • All-You-Can-Eat: Pumpkin Pancakes, Regular Pancakes, Sausage Patties, Applesauce and OJ

  • Adults: $8 | Kids ages 6-13: $5 | Kids 5 and under eat free

Harvest Lunch at the Cissna Park American Legion 11am - 2pm

  • Meal Deal $10 includes: Sandwich, chips, applesauce, cookies, drink

  • Individual items: Pork Chop Sandwich/ Cheeseburger $6, Hamburger/ Porkburger $5, Pop/water $1, Coffee $1

Miss Iroquois County Fair Queen & Little Miss MEET & GREET

  • from 9:30am-11am in the park

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Fall Town Wide Garage Sales

Fall Town Wide Garage Sales

Come out to Cissna Park for a fun weekend of Garage Saling! There will be a Garage Sale map in the Cissna Park Newspaper. Happy Shopping!

Each Garage Sale has their own set hours for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You can refer to the Garage Sale Listings in the Cissna Park Newspaper for times, addresses and items for sale.

You can pick up a Newspaper at the Baier News Office on Garfield Street or Luke’s One Stop (BP gas station) on Rt. 49

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Shop the Park: September

Shop the Park: September

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • September Musical Performers: Emmalyn Paul

  • September Food Trucks: Old Salty’s Shaved Ice

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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Old Settlers Reunion
to Aug 17

Old Settlers Reunion

Anyone who has ever lived in or around Cissna Park can tell you, the Old Settlers Reunion is one of the highlights of the year in Cissna Park. It is a three day event that starts on Thursday and ends Saturday night when they give the car away. The park is filled with entertainment, carnival rides and games, food stands, bingo, arts, crafts and lots and lots of people!

People come from all over to visit with friends and family during Old Settlers. It is one of the longest running hometown celebrations in the state of Illinois, if not the country! It is hosted by American Legion post 527, but the whole community gets into the act of making it a great event! You won’t want to miss it!

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Shop the Park: August

Shop the Park: August

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • August Musical Performers: Lucas Sanor on Saxaphone

  • August Food Trucks: Old Salty’s Shaved Ice, Luke’s One Stop

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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Shop the Park: July

Shop the Park: July

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • July Musical Performers: the Hall Family

  • July Food Trucks: Old Salty’s Shaved Ice, Luke’s One Stop

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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Shop the Park: June

Shop the Park: June

What is SHOP THE PARK? SHOP THE PARK is a local retail event hosted in Cissna Park by the Board of Development. It is an open-air showcase of local quality and specialty shops. Our goal is to provide a small-town shopping experience at the park with “Great People, Products, & Place - Where Quality Meets.”

  • June Musical Performers: Peter Czifra on keyboard & accordian

  • June Food Trucks: Woody & Bubba’s BBQ, Old Salty’s Shaved Ice, Luke’s One Stop

SHOP THE PARK is 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturdays in June, July, August, September.

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60924 Day

60924 Day

“The Zip Code Day is intended to be a unifying event for the entire community. The celebration incorporates activities that highlight what Cissna Park is all about, as we celebrate our past, present, and future.”

Our zip code is 60924 which correlates to June 9th, 2024 (6-09-24). We will be celebrating the special day on Saturday June 8th during Shop the Park, instead of Sunday June 9th.

Check out the Promotions tab for 60924 Memorabilia that you can Pre-Order or purchase June 8th at the Park.

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Cissna Park Spring Garage Sales
to May 4

Cissna Park Spring Garage Sales

We can’t wait for sunshine and garage sales! Mark your calendars for Thursday May 2nd thru Saturday May 4th.

You can follow our Cissna Park Garage Sale Group on Facebook for more details. https://www.facebook.com/groups/3884516341673520/

For those looking to host garage sales; We ask for $10 dollars to include your address and sale times/description in the newspaper advertising. You can drop it off or mail to Sharon Baier at the Baier Publishing News Office in Cissna Park.

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Benefit for Hazel Walder Family

Benefit for Hazel Walder Family

A Firehouse Pork Chop Dinner to benefit the Hazel Walder Family will be held Saturday April 13th, 11am-5pm at the Cissna Park Firehouse. Carry outs will be available.

A raffle will also be held for a JD4440 Pedal Tractor. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20 and are available from any Cissna Park Fireman. Contact Chief Doug Luecke at 815-383-2502 with any questions.

Hazel Walder, daughter of Cissna Park Fire Protection District Fireman/EMT Kyle Walder and Kori (Balk) Walder, was born on December 14, 2023 at 34 weeks. Baby Hazel was born with two genetic conditions and has been in the NICU at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital since birth. Our community would like to show our love and support to the Walder Family, who have been splitting their time with beautiful Hazel in Chicago and their two young children back home in Cissna Park.

Monetary donations can be dropped off at The Frederick Community Bank in Cissna Park or Paxton. The Walder Family would like to pay it forward and help other families that are in the NICU. If you would like to help them do this, please bring a new children’s book to the benefit to donate in honor of Hazel.

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

The Cissna Park Legion Auxiliary Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, March 30, in the Village Park at 10am. There will be separate age groups for the egg hunt: 2-3 year olds (side of the park/tree area); 4-5 year olds (front of the park, across from the American Legion); 6-7 year olds (on the playground). There will be one prize for each age group for finding the special egg. **Bad weather back up date: Easter Sunday, March 31, 2pm

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